To Cut A Long Story Short
The images in this sequence are observations of the material around me in my daily life. They are things that ordinarily are passed by or may not be seen as ‘something’. These are not constructed images, just things stumbled across that resonate with an inner significance. These found images are a momentary mirror – connecting the outside visual world to the ‘self’. This is an evolving project. This on going ness about it is what is interesting for me. These fragments, repeat themselves in many different variations and this represents for me how we piece together the fragments of our lived experiences. One form this has taken is in the book Cut a long story short, like the imagery, the text has been stumbled upon, found in casually thrown away comments, conversations in passing. I decided to really listen to the words spoken to me and write them down. Later, I have played around with the structure or tense, in order to crystallize a meaning. In ‘Cut a long story short’ the relationship between image and text is ambiguous. There is no direct link between the two; the link is only created by the viewer. There is no code or fixed meaning these fragments just exist, and the process of moving them about and changing meaning reflects the subjectivity of it all. We follow the story through intuition rather than intellect.